My 11-year-old Tolkiens.

Yes, I will admit that my interest in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy was inspired by the movie adaptation of the first book, The Fellowship of the Ring, back in 2001, with director Peter Jackson at the helm. Unlike my husband, a fantasy purist, who has read the series at a time when practically only a handful even knew that Tolkien existed, I merely rode the bandwagon. Nakikiuso. :P  But, since I have always been one to read the book first prior to seeing an adaptation, I knew I had to have the boxed set of the series.

The set includes The Hobbit, the prequel to the trilogy.

This boxed set was a gift from my cousin who's in the US. Yes, this is the movie tie-in edition, as you can see from the photos of Elijah Wood as “Frodo”, Viggo Mortensen as “Aragorn” and Christopher Lee as “Saruman” on the covers, spines and box sides. Back then, I didn't have issues with the particular editions of books that I acquire (now, I prefer hardbacks and trade paperbacks over mass markets, and try to avoid movie tie-ins as much as I can). And yes, these books are 11 years old, and the browned pages are definitely showing their age. I had to unearth the whole set from the storage (read: my old room at my mother's house) for the sole purpose of preparing myself, albeit futilely I think, for this Saturday's F2F6 over at the book club, with our dear Maria as moderator.

Only The Hobbit has no movie adaptation - yet.

Since then, I've also read The Silmarillion, the companion/guide to the trilogy, and The Children of Hurin, which I read fairly recently, or after I gave birth to my daughter in December 2010. I say “recently” because all the other Tolkien books, I've read almost a decade ago.

So. With just 3 days to go, how can I expect to familiarize myself once more with the details of Fellowship in time for our F2F6? I don't do rereads, and even if I did, my biggest problem would be the time constraints.

Good luck to me.


jzhunagev said…
Wow! Nice boxed set!

This was also the boxed that I drooled over in my latter high school years during the movie's height when The Return of the King garnered Oscar acclaim.

Just seeing this set of books makes me wax nostalgic reading The Lord of the Rings those years yonder. Haha! ;D
jam said…
i also have the same set of books and they're very old too. haha. like you i avoid buying books with movie tie ins or anything with a commercialized cover. i'd prefer second hand old copies than those with commercialized covers :)) The LOTR series happened to be a gift.
Peter S. said…
Have a good time during your book discussion. I haven't read any Tolkien. I just can't stand the books!
Monique said…
JZHUN: Okay, I'm not computing the difference in years. Haha! :) I treasure this boxed set because it was a gift from a cousin abroad. :)

JAM: Hi, thanks for visiting and leaving a comment! I only began to change preferences over editions and book covers recently, when my eyesight began to deteriorate from reading too much small text (from mass markets) and when I realized I didn't want to see celebrities' faces on my books. Haha! :D

PETER: Oh, but why? But you've seen the movies right?
jam said…
haha. i know!! i also don't want to see celebrity faces on the covers of great books which sometimes becomes under appreciated by failed movie adaptations. :))
Peter S. said…
Hello, Monique. Yes, I've seen the movies. No strong feelings for them either, although I did enjoy the 2nd one.

I can't stand the songs! And the long scenes where nothing's really happening!
Monique said…
JAM: There, you have another point right there. ;)

PETER: Oh, those. Well, yes, I could see what you mean. I think there was a time when I had exactly the same thoughts about the songs, haha! :)

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