Book Splurge [14]

The lack of posts under this category for some weeks now doesn't mean I haven't been accumulating books for the same period. It only means I've been busy doing other stuff - book-related or no - to find time enough to put up a proper post.

Anyway, here are a couple of books I've recently acquired:

  • A Bottle of Storm Clouds: Stories by Eliza Victoria - I love the cover! I first learned about this through Tina and I got curious. So on one of my trips to NBS, I tried to look for a copy, and got rewarded when I found one. :)
  • The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga - I distinctly remember reading a bookish buddy's write-up on the book, but couldn't recall whether he liked it or not. But since it was a bargain find for only P115.00 at Book Sale, I decided to get it anyway. I figured I couldn't go wrong with a Man Booker Prize awardee, yes?

I also loaded several e-books into Candy the Kindle:

  • Smoke and Mirrors by Neil Gaiman - My brother-in-law actually has a print book, but he appears to have misplaced it. So I tried looking for trade paperback copies of this (Fully Booked, Powerbooks and NBS branches all) but my search proved futile. Since I couldn't wait to read it, as in I was itching to read it, like, right away, I decided to buy the Kindle edition. [Aldrin, you wouldn't have a digital copy of this, would you?]
  • Dracula by Bram Stoker - A follow-up to Elizabeth Kostova's The Historian, but since I needed a break from all the bloodsuckers for a bit, I thought I'd read Gaiman first before I make acquaintance with Dracula. :D

The latter two titles, by the way, are included in this month's reading list. Wish me luck! :D


Anonymous said…
Oh no, there are some Booker winners that make the reader think what the heck were the judges thinking. But yes, I enjoyed The White Tiger, and I hope you are comfortable with Indian writers (there are some readers who are bothered by the nationality of the writer).
Peter S. said…
Hello, Monique! Like Angus, I thoroughly enjoyed The White Tiger. It's so fascinating. Have you ever had the experience wherein you can't turn your eyes away from something that's really bad (like a horrible road accident)? I felt that when I was reading the book.
Monique said…
BUDDY: I'm not bothered by the author's nationality at all. I have no biases in that respect. :)

PETER: I think I do know what you're saying. I hope to have a great experience reading this book, as well! :)
Lynai said…
I have The White Tiger on ebook! :D
Monique said…
LYNAI: Buddy read? Haha. Though I don't know when I'll read this pa. :D
Lynai said…
Sure! Next year na siguro? HAHA

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