Book Splurge [19]: The Pre-Order Edition

Two of my favorite authors are set to release their new books this year: Neil Gaiman with his The Ocean at the End of the Lane, which is due for publication on June 18 -

and Khaled Hosseini with his And the Mountains Echoed, which will be out on May 21.

I loved Hosseini's previous two books, The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns, and I've been a fan of Gaiman since reading The Graveyard Book some years ago. Granted, Gaiman has a bunch of other works that I've yet to read, but this is only Hosseini's third novel, and I am quite excited to get my hands on it. :)


Lynai said…
I have yet to read Hosseni. Oh the number of books we want to read! Haha! :)

And Gaiman, I meant to read another Gaiman after Coraline but got distracted with other equally interesting books. :D
Monique said…
LYNAI: I read Hosseini's books pre-Goodreads. Hehe.

Which Gaiman book are you intending to read next? :)
Louize DG said…
Ooooh, yes to both books! ❤
BooksAndPanda said…
Yay, Neil Gaiman fan!
Monique said…
LOUIZE and BOOKSANDPANDA: Yay! Are we excited or what? :))
Lynai said…
I'm thinking of Stardust or American Gods. Which do you recommend? :)
Louize DG said…
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Louize DG said…
I am actually bitter, because Neil Gaiman's pre-order of signed copies are available in US only. :(

But the audiobook was narrated by Neil himself. *me wants*
Monique said…
LYNAI: I haven't read Stardust yet (although I've seen the film), but I gave 5 stars to American Gods. Hmm. The obvious choice would be American Gods, but I don't think you'd appreciate it all that much compared to Stardust? So, I'll just say go for Stardust na muna. :)

MOMMY LOUIZE: Oh I know. But I hope he'll visit the Philippines again soon! :)
Peter S. said…
I do hope NG visits the Philippines again! I was there with my partner when he first visited. We were in the Rockwell tent. But there were so many people in line!

My partner felt cheated though. He's a long-time fan of NG. He brought all his first edition Sandman comics! Most of the people who got their copies signed just recently bought their copies. Oh well....
Monique said…
PETER: Really? That sucks. Well I hope that the next time he visits, R would get to hobnob with NG all he wants! ;)

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