Bookmarks Galore [10]

There's a bunch of new bookmarks that I have acquired for the last few weeks but I won't post the photos all at once. For now, here are a bunch of local ones (I will feature the foreign bookmarks next week).

These wooden bookmarks from Catanduanes - we have the turtle, the owl, and the fish bookmarks - are from my bookish friends: sisters Rhena and Joy, and Benny, too. Hand-carried all the way from the province. Thank you so much! :)

The owl is my favorite. So cute.

And this lone wooden bookmark from Siquijor is from my Boss. It was actually also a token for her from a colleague who visited the province, but since she knew that I collected bookmarks from all over (yes, she does!) she let me have this one. Thank you, Boss! You are most awesome! :)

Hello there, little guy.

I haven't been to either Catanduanes or Siquijor but hopefully I could visit, someday. Meantime, I will be content just having these little bookish tokens. ;)


cpsanti said…
those look lovely ;-) they should develop bookmarks for different spots in the philippines no? ;-)

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