Filipino Friday 2013 (4): This Is Still Reading, Right?

Nearly a week before the 3rd ReaderCon! Who's as excited as I am?

It's Filipino Friday again, and this week's topic has something to do with book formats:

Do you read (or have at least tried to read) books in other formats aside from print? How was your experience with these different book formats?

Oh, this one's way too easy. ;)

Do you read (or have at least tried to read) books in other formats aside from print? Yes. I read electronic books or e-books. I am the happy and content owner of my second Kindle which I have named Oscar (after Junot Diaz's The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao), and which I got only this year after I decided to upgrade from my 2nd generation Kindle, dear old Candy. I have the Kindle app installed on Max the iPhone, and I also have it installed on my husband's iPad. No, it doesn't have a name. :D

I used to be staunchly anti-e-reader. Or anything non-print for that matter. My reasons were the same as those of any print-book lover you could find: there's nothing like the smell of paper (especially new books!), the feel of it in your hands, how nice they look all lined up on the shelves. I also had a grand dream of building my own library - a dream that eventually came to include my own family, when I got married and had a kid. Later on, however, when I realized that it was so difficult to lug around print books (especially since at the time, I was commuting from Laguna to Manila everyday), and that the books that were so hard to find in bookstores more often than not had digital copies available, and that it was so much more convenient to bring an e-reader around, I eventually gave in. It wasn't a complicated choice to make because my boss sold me my first Kindle for half its original price. :D And hey, e-books save trees, too. ;)

How was your experience with these different book formats? I am enjoying it so far. I have no problems so far with digital formats and I love the convenience that they offer. :)

For more thoughts on this topic, head on over to the Filipino ReaderCon website! :)


Tin said…
I used to be dismissive of e-books and e-readers too. And I guess, it's really the convenience that wins you over. And isn't naming stuff awesome? I would have wanted to accumulate more e-readers just so I can name them. Haha. But I don't have the resources and that would not just be a tad excessive, but greatly impractical as well. :D

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