The Spark Project
Inspired by a fellow book blogger/book club friend's new blog feature in which yours truly was invited to participate recently as guest, I began to entertain the notion of having a similar features post on this blog, the object of which is to shift the focus from oneself to other readers and/or bloggers (at least every once in a while). The idea took more shape when, in a moment of sheer genius (or luck), I considered my book blog banner, which prominently displays the cover of my favorite book of all time, L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
As I have explained on my The Reader tab, my love affair with books began at an early age, when I chanced upon a hardbound edition of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz at my parents' study. After reading the classic, I was hooked. I read whatever I could get my hands on, which was very few materials, at the time. But I made do with what we had, and the spark grew into a flame. So, it is with conviction that I declare that it was The Wonderful Wizard of Oz that sparked my lifelong interest in books and reading, the book that started it all for me. It is therefore rather fitting to proudly display a photo of the actual book cover on my blog banner.
So, following through on my initial idea to do a blog features post, I arrived at this concept which I thus dub The Spark Project, subtitled "the book that started it all". Every month or so (or whenever I take too long reading a book and I've nothing worthy to post, or whenever my [extra] time would allow), a reader/blogger will be featured to talk about that one book that helped spark his/her interest in books and reading. He/She will be invited to tell us about the what-when-where-why-and-how of this topic, how his/her reading habits have evolved since reading that one book, and so on and so forth. Guide questions will be formulated to help organize the featured reader/blogger's thoughts. Wouldn't it be fun and interesting as well to know how a fellow book lover discovered the wonderful world of books? :)
Would you like to talk about that one book that started it all for you? I'd love to hear from you. :)
Oh, and Angus' pilot post is in the drafts folder. I'm just waiting for him to send some pics. Aren't we girls on the same page?? Haha. :)