Required Reading: NOVEMBER

It's my birthday month! :D

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Forgive the over-excitement, but since this is actually my first post for November, which happens to be, well, my birthday month, I just had to shout that out. Yay! Also, my very first attempt at moderating a book discussion - on- and offline - is also happening this month, so double yay! Are we excited yet? :)

As per usual, the titles that comprise the reading list for November were chosen haphazardly for the sake of variety. Two titles were no-brainers, as I wanted to go thematic (you know, Halloween and all), while the other two were picked for me by my bookish friends via a Twitter conversation. But before I proceed to the November reading list, here's a recap of October:

Eeep. It looks like another book will be joining my ever-increasing reading lists backlog, which stands as follows: 

  • The Line of Beauty by Alan Hollinghurst - [August] untouched 
  • An Artist of the Floating World by Kazuo Ishiguro - [August, carried over to September] untouched. Oh my dearest Ishi, forgive me! :(
  • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - newest addition

Of course, I know I will pick these books up and read them eventually. As to when that will be, however, is the bigger question.

Anyway, on to this month's reads! 

Here they are:

  • Smoke and Mirrors by Neil Gaiman - Been meaning to read this compendium of scary short stories by one of my most favorite storytellers. I think now's the time to do that. My favoritest of all of Neil's short stories (so far), Snow, Glass, Apples, is included in this collection. 
  • Dracula by Bram Stoker - Reading this as a companion to Elizabeth Kostova's The Historian. F2F in a couple of weeks! Excitement!
  • The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart - I enjoyed the first two books in E. Lockhart's Ruby Oliver series, and since I'm looking for something fun and light to read for variety, I picked this up. Thanks to my awesome bookish mommy friend Maria for suggesting it, despite her personal reservations about the book. ;)
  • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald - Movie adaptation will be released soon, so I have to read this soon, as well. Bookish lawyer friend Lynai suggested it - thanks! :)

I will be quite busy preparing for my "show" in a couple of weeks, but I'll definitely try to squeeze in some reading in between formulating questions and moderating the online discussion. Any thoughts on this month's choices for the reading list? :)

*Not included in any reading lists, as I learned about it a mere couple of days before I downloaded and read listened to it. :)


Lynai said…
Happy birth month! Yaay! :)

I wasn't that thrilled with The Great Gatsby the book, BUT I am very thrilled for The Great Gatsby the movie. Leo DiCaprio! <3
Anonymous said…
The Great Gatsby is pushed back in April. We'll have to wait for Leo and Tobey.
Peter S. said…
Hi, Monique! Ah, Pride and Prejudice, the one book that I have repeatedly attempted to finish. :-)

I hope you find The Great Gatsby a good read. I just read it this year, and I absolutely loved it!
Tina said…
Happy November! :)

I also want to read The Great Gatsby before the movie. At the rate I'm going, I know I will not read it soon.:)

And yay for Frankie! I don't know how you'll like it, but I hope you do. It's such a smart book. :)
Anonymous said…
Smoke and Mirrors is my favorite collection of Neil Gaiman's stories. Although I liked Snow and Apples very much, my favorite story would still be We Can Get Them for You Wholesale.:)

Hope you enjoy reading that book.:D
Monique said…
LYNAI: Hmm. I'm curious about the book now more than ever. :)

BUDDY: Really? Well it's a short book anyway. I'll read it na lang din and then just wait for Leo and Tobey. :D

PETER: You'll know how I'll find The Great Gatsby, of course! :)

TINA: I can't wait to read the Frankie book as well! Oh, now I don't know which one from the list I'll pick first, haha!

BENNARD: I will keep you in mind when I get to that story. ;)
Go, Monique! Tina and I have different taste in contemp sometimes, so you decide :) Happy birthday!

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