The Spark Project [12]: Veronica
The Spark Project is a semi-regular blog feature where a reader and/or book blogger is invited to talk about that one book that sparked his/her interest in books and reading. He/She will tell us about the what-when-where-why-and-how of this topic, how his/her reading habits have evolved since encountering that book, and so on. Wouldn't it be fun and interesting as well to know how a fellow book lover discovered the wonderful world of books? :)
For this particular installment of The Spark Project, I am very honored and grateful to have our good friend from the book club, Veronica (personally, I call her Miss Ronnie), talk about the book that sparked her love for reading.
I have always been fascinated with the stories that Miss Ronnie has to share about her life during our book club discussions and/or meet-ups. Because she has more life experiences to share than most of us, it is always interesting to hear about her little anecdotes – my personal favorites are the ones she shares about her childhood and her family. Everyone in the book club loves Miss Ronnie – I can’t think of one person who doesn’t. :)
(1) What is the one book that sparked or kindled your love for reading? Describe the circumstances in which you found or discovered it.
I wish I could say the one book that inspired me to become a reader was a classic or something more literary but here it is.
This was the very first book I owned that had more words than pictures. It was a Christmas present from my parents when I was seven and I loved it to pieces. It had the most beautiful illustrations and I would carry it with me everywhere I went. (I realize now that I must have looked silly as this was a huge book.) What I loved about it was that I could sit in one corner, open the book and without fail, the stories and pictures would transport me to faraway worlds and my imagination would take me even further. I knew then that what I wanted to do most was to explore those wonderful worlds and books were my greatest allies.
It was around this time that I discovered the school library, thanks to my sister whose classes ended about two hours after mine. I used to hang out in the library and go through all the book series available. I still have fond memories of them of those afternoon sojourns.
Years ago, when I did some major spring cleaning, I discovered my old grade school notebooks. It made me laugh to see that some of my notebooks had book lists at the back page. In my childish scrawl, I made lists of Enid Blyton’s Famous Five series, the Bobbsey Twins and Nancy Drew and placed a checkmark beside those I had read. In high school, my back-of-the-notebook lists were for Agatha Christie and P.G. Wodehouse. Well, I guess this compulsive list maker had an early start.
(2) How has it affected you - both your life in general and as a reader?
In a way, I am still like that seven-year-old, ever anxious to satisfy her curiosity for people and places yet undiscovered. To my dying day, I will to continue to learn. That’s why I enjoy being part of TFG. Apart from the wonderful friendships I have reaped, it exposed me to a slew of genres and books I would not have read previously.
So what happened to that young list maker? She still has a monster of a TBR list that is called The Ultimate List (a.k.a. Books Other People Say I Should Read).
Even if I had my nose in a book for the rest of my life, that ever growing list will defy completion. But I’m okay with that. At my age, I have made peace with the “so many books, so little time” dilemma. I don’t feel the need to finish off the list. It remains to be a reference point but I choose to read what I want to read and I’m just happy to have many options. “Happy” being the operative word. I know, for the rest of my life, I will always have a book to read and that is a good place to dwell. Someone once said, “Home is where my books are."
And there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.
Thank you, Miss Ronnie, for taking the time out to do this and, more importantly, for agreeing to do it in the first place! :)
Aw, that is so true. And yes, we are all 7-yrs old deep inside. ♥