Required Reading 2014: September

August has 31 days, and despite my two-book required reading list, I only managed to finish one. [I am currently on page 340 of 848 of Eleanor Catton's The Luminaries.] On the upside, however, there are two other novellas not on my reading list that I did read before the month was over. So, last month's reading progress wasn't much of a letdown after all, was it? :)

image source

Here's a recap of what went on in August:

As I said, I am still reading The Luminaries (nearing the 50% mark now), which I found difficult to get into at first, hence, the snail's pace reading it. BUT now that I am into the thick of the story, I find that the mystery in the plot married to the historical fiction aspect of it (the gold rush in New Zealand at the turn of the 19th century) is pretty engaging! I can't wait to sit down and read some more of it, and finish it, soon.

And now, for September:

Hello, Star the Slytherin Bear. Nice loom band you got there. :)

  • The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop by Lewis Buzbee - The second traveling book* of the book club. I'm only the second one to read it after its owner, Ycel. Looking forward to delve into this one! 
  • The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell (not in photo) - It's David Mitchell's most awaited sixth full-length novel, and the Mitchell Mafia is excited! Pre-ordered it on Amazon just so I would have a copy on release day, which is tomorrow, because local bookstores won't have it in stock right away.
  • The Storied Life of AJ Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin (copy currently with book club friend Maria) - Our first joint discussion with another book club, Flips Flipping Pages, is happening this month, and this is the novel that was chosen by both clubs. I think a novel about books, and the love for it, is the perfect book to talk about with other readers.

How about you? Any books you plan to read this month? :)

*A traveling book is a book that we pass around for the members to read - at least those who are interested to. There's a queue so if members wish to read it, he/she will have to sign up and wait for their turn. The book changes hands either by giving it personally or sending it through mail.


Anonymous said…
Haha, I love your pithy little description of Fear of Flying. XD

I've been looking at copies of The Luminaries in bookstores and each time I find it daunting. Maybe once I've finished reading a couple of the doorstopper books I've already hoarded I'll pick it up. I'm more than interested in your thoughts about it though.
Lynai said…
I'm curious about The Luminaries but at the same time intimidated by its length. Will be looking forward to your marginalia. :)

Happy September, Monique! :)
Anonymous said…
I can't choose what book to read next because I'm thinking of The Bone Clocks as my next book, which is funny because I don't have a copy of the book yet, hahaha!
Monique said…
KRISTEL: I found it hard to get into the groove of The Luminaries, at first. Now, I can't read it fast enough! If only it weren't so heavy, I'd bring it to the office and sneak some reading, haha.

LYNAI: The length IS daunting at 800+ pages. What have I gotten myself into?? Haha! XD

BUDDY: Dropping everything as soon as the Kindle edition is loaded into Oscar. Waaah, excited!
Tin said…
LOL @ Fear of Flying comment. And I must try me some Lahiri sometime.

"Dropping everything as soon as the Kindle edition is loaded into Oscar. Waaah, excited!" - As Mitchell superfans are wont to do. :)

Monique said…
TIN: I highly, highly recommend anything written by Jhumpa Lahiri, starting with Interpreter of Maladies. :)

Superfans! Me likey! :)
Louize DG said…
Yiii! Downloaded The Bone Clocks yesterday. But I still need to finish both Ghostwritten and The Thousand Autumns. :)
Peter S. said…
See you soon again, Louize! It was really interesting hearing your thoughts on Fear of Flying! Hopefully, I can join you guys again soon!
Monique said…
MOMMY L: I'm sure you'll finish those two books in no time. :)

PETER: I should be flattered that you think of me as Louize, haha! (Or was really her you addressed in your comment, not me?) :D

See you again soon! :)
Peter S. said…
Oh, my goodness! So embarrassing! No, that comment is for you! Hehehehehehe. I've been blog hopping kasi this Friday morning. :-) So sorry!
Monique said…
PETER: NO biggie! Haha. Hope you had a good weekend! :)
Anonymous said…
I also want to read a Lahiri book so I recently added Interpreter of Maladies in my Goodreads to-read shelf. Also, I didn't know that The Luminaries is that long! And you're reading it, wow.
Monique said…
MELIZA: Truth be told, I also didn't realize that The Luminaries is a doorstopper until I saw the actual copy at the bookstore. But I really want to read it so yeah, here I am. :)

I hope you'll love Interpreter of Maladies. It's the book that has made the greatest impact on me.