Reading List 2015: October
All I can offer by way of an excuse for this belated beginning-of-month post is... lack of inspiration. I wish I could say that "real life" got in the way but that is the most used and over-abused excuse in the world (because it wouldn't be real life if it didn't get in the way, huh?). But anyway, here I am, finally getting in the mood to write this down, and so here we go.
Recap of last month's reading list:
For the past two or so weeks, my reading has been going at a turtle's pace. After reading I, Claudius, which I finished in more or less a week, I eagerly dived into The Blue Flower. Unfortunately, I'm still reading it, and I'm having issues with its readability. Many times I've mentally promised to finish it on a particular day, but I end up just surfing the net, watching TV series, or sleeping.
Anyway, for this month's books:
Yes, I only picked two books this month. Just keeping it real, yes? How about you? Any particular books you're reading this month?
Recap of last month's reading list:
- I, Claudius by Robert Graves - One of the best historical novels I've read thus far. Oh, ancient Roman history! 5/5
- Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee - The supposed first draft of the iconic To Kill A Mockingbird. TFG's book of the month. I was underwhelmed. 3/5
- The Blue Flower by Penelope Fitzgerald - Currently on page 166 of 223. Having problems, quite obviously.
For the past two or so weeks, my reading has been going at a turtle's pace. After reading I, Claudius, which I finished in more or less a week, I eagerly dived into The Blue Flower. Unfortunately, I'm still reading it, and I'm having issues with its readability. Many times I've mentally promised to finish it on a particular day, but I end up just surfing the net, watching TV series, or sleeping.
Anyway, for this month's books:
- Monstress by Lysley Tenorio - TFG's book for the month.
- From Here To Eternity by James Jones - One of my dare books for the year. I really should get on with this because this is a chunkster.
Yes, I only picked two books this month. Just keeping it real, yes? How about you? Any particular books you're reading this month?